Foto de un desfibrilador

Foto de un desfibrilador Another example of real life Spanish, we recently took this photo in Buenos Aires, Argentina. What is it? What else does it say?   Vocabulario – Vocabulary Desfibrilador – (noun – masc) defibrillator (that device you use to...

Tildes on Capital Letters in Spanish

Tildes on Capital Letters in Spanish A number of people have told me that in Spanish you don’t put the tilde (accent mark) above a letter that is written as a capital letter. THIS IS INCORRECT. According to the Real Academia Española (RAE), you MUST put the tilde...

Detapá felicidad – Spanish in Argentina

Detapá felicidad – Spanish in Argentina This is a Billboard we recently saw in Buenos Aires, Argentina. Ignore the fact that it is for a “slightly” well-known brand of some liquid. What we are interested in is the text within the advertisement. It says Detapá...

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