Most students know the Padre is Father in Spanish and Madre is Mother. But how do you say great grandfather in Spanish? Or how about Mother-in-law in Spanish, and no, it’s not bruja …. yet you may hear this occasionally, though just not in front of her. 🙂

We have just created some pages with a list of members of the family in Spanish including less common names of relatives (or other relationships) like stepfather, son-in-law, great great grandmother etc.

We have a version completely in Spanish (which each name explained in Spanish without translation): Miembros de la familia

We have another version which contains the names of family members though with a translation of each word in English with some additional notes: Members of the family in Spanish

Games – Member of the Family in Spanish

Once you have checked out these pages we have four different games to practice this new vocabulary:

The first two games are like this:

  • Los hijos de mis tíos son mis _____. (And you choose the correct alternative)

Spanish Family Members Game 1 and Spanish Family Members Game 2

Another game is with a family tree and you need to choose the correct relationship between family members. For example: Jorge es el ___ de Elena (according to the picture of a family tree)

The last game is where you need to translate names of family members from English to Spanish, for example:

  • How do you say UNCLE in Spanish? (And you choose the correct answer from four alternatives)

Family Members Chart

Here is our chart showing the relationship between members of the family in Spanish.

Members of the Family in Spanish

Spanish Teacher Resources

We have two different resources for ELE Teachers:
2 Word Search activities containing Spanish vocabulary about members of the family.

A copy of the Family Members in Spanish Wall Chart along with Family Tree Exercises to practice Vocabulary about members of a family and the relationship between them.

Hope you find this chart and these activities useful. Let us know if you do.

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