Trabalenguas con R y RR – Tongue Twisters

Earlier this year we talked about the RR sound in Spanish and how rolling the R can be difficult for some nationalities. Well, we have created a long list of tongue twisters in Spanish that practice the R and RR sound. Trabalenguas = Tongue Twisters Do you see how...

Profesiones y Oficios

Here is a new chart we have created about Jobs and Professions in Spanish. How can you use this? Try and explain what each person does in their job. For example: ¿Qué hace un juez? – Un juez es la persona quien decide en un juicio si el acusado o demandado es...

Muy vs. Mucho

A common mistake students make when learning Spanish is when to use MUY and when to use MUCHO. Well, we have just created some new pages covering this topic along with some games too. Muy vs Mucho (the difference explained in English) Muy vs Mucho (Una explicación en...

Partes de una carta informal

The following chart about the 5 main parts of a letter in Spanish is for teachers helping their students or parents that suddenly need to remember the parts of a letter so they can help their kids do their homework… or with an upcoming test. Much like was our...

Los Números – Numbers

We now have notes to learn about the Numbers in Spanish that have been written in English and Spanish. Los Números en Castellano (in Spanish) The numbers in Spanish (in English) You find us talking about the difference between cardinal numbers and ordinals numbers and...

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