Detapá felicidad – Spanish in Argentina This is a Billboard we recently saw in Buenos Aires, Argentina. Ignore the fact that it is for a “slightly” well-known brand of some liquid. What we are interested in is the text within the advertisement. It says Detapá...
Vocabulary – Vocabulario Celebrar (verb) = To celebrate Con (preposition) = with Responsabilidad (noun – fem) = Responsibility Imperativo – Imperative Notice how the verb “celebre” ends in an E even though celebrar is an –AR verb. That is...
El martes no te cases ni te embarques. Casarse (Verbo): Compromiso amoroso, de carácter legal con otra persona. Embarcar (Verbo): Navegar, viajar. Existe la creencia popular de que el día martes es de mala suerte, contraer matrimonio o realizar un viaje. Por ello se...