Days of the week in Spanish

One of the first things you come across when learning languages are the Days of the Week. List of Days of the week in Spanish Notice how the Spanish days of the week do NOT start with a capital letter. lunes (Monday) martes (Tuesday) miércoles (Wednesday) jueves...

Sports in Spanish

This is the new cartoon chart we have created. Of course it only contains a small number of sports though it is a good start. We have some vocabulary notes that are completely in Spanish: Los deportes And another page where the Spanish vocabulary is explained in...

Agreeing and disagreeing in Spanish

One of the easiest ways to agree with someone in Spanish is by using TAMBIÉN or TAMPOCO. También normally means TOO (and sometimes ALSO) whereas Tampoco means NEITHER or EITHER Tengo hambre. (I’m hungry) Yo también. (Me too) No tengo hambre. (I’m not...

Family Members in Spanish – La Familia

Most students know the Padre is Father in Spanish and Madre is Mother. But how do you say great grandfather in Spanish? Or how about Mother-in-law in Spanish, and no, it’s not bruja …. yet you may hear this occasionally, though just not in front of her. 🙂...

St. Patrick’s Day in Spanish

Today, the 17th of March, is Saint Patrick’s Day and how do you say Saint Patrick’s Day in Spanish? – El Día de San Patricio In honor of this Irish celebration we have created a new Spanish vocabulary page about St. Patrick’s Day. Once you have...

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