Spanish Days do NOT start with a capital letter

Here are the days of the week in Spanish again:

  • lunes – Monday
  • martes – Tuesday
  • miércoles – Wednesday
  • jueves – Thursday
  • viernes – Friday
  • sábado – Saturday
  • domingo – Sunday

Did you notice how the days in Spanish all begin with a lowercase letter (not a capital letter).

In English, when you write the word Monday, the rule is that it always starts with a capital M. The same for the rest of the days. Tuesday is always written with a big T (or capital T) instead of a small T (lowercase T), even if the day is in the middle of a sentence.

However, the days of the week in Spanish do NOT start with a capital letter.

You do not write the day Lunes with a capital L. It is always written as lunes with a lowercase L. The same for the other days of the week. You write martes ✅ and not Martes ❌.

  • lunes ✅ – Lunes
  • martes ✅ – Martes
  • miércoles ✅ – Miércoles
  • jueves ✅ – Jueves
  • viernes ✅ – Viernes
  • sábado ✅ – Sábado
  • domingo ✅ – Domingo

Of course, if a day appears at the beginning of a sentence, then you write that day with a capital letter ONLY because it is the first word in that sentence, not because it is a day.

One exception is when you are talking about Viernes Santo (Good Friday) where viernes is written with a capital letter because it is the name of a (religious) holiday.

The days of the week in Spanish do NOT start with a capital letter except as the first word of a sentence - Written Spanish rules by Woodward Spanish.
Lesson tags: Capital Letters, Days, Días, Spelling, Written Spanish
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