¿El Internet or La Internet?

  According to the RAE (Real Academia Española)… Internet is a feminine noun HOWEVER it normally appears without the article LA. Also the first letter of the word is a capital letter. No tengo acceso a Internet (- No “a la” internet) Uso...

Diferencia entre Ves y Vez

  A common mistake for native speakers of Spanish is when to use Ves instead of Vez in a written sentence. We just created a new page about the difference between Ves and Vez if you would like to know why and how to avoid making the same mistake. There is also a...

Tildes on Capital Letters in Spanish

Tildes on Capital Letters in Spanish A number of people have told me that in Spanish you don’t put the tilde (accent mark) above a letter that is written as a capital letter. THIS IS INCORRECT. According to the Real Academia Española (RAE), you MUST put the tilde...

The difference between Tú and Tu

  NEW: The difference between Tú and Tu in Spanish. This is a common mistake in Spanish and it pays to learn when to write Tú and Tu at the right time. Check out the notes we made about them and also the game we have there to practice this...

False Friends in Spanish

Many times when you don’t know a word in Spanish you can make a logical guess as to what it is. If you see the word “problema” you can assume it means problem. If you see the word “telefono” you can assume it means telephone. If you see the...

Dad, Pope or Potato – Papa Papá

Dad, Pope or Potato – Papa Papá in Spanish La palabra papa tiene distintos significados. Con tilde, papá es una forma más cercana de llamar a nuestro padre. Sin tilde papa es un tubérculo de una planta, que sirve de alimento. También se conoce como patata en algunos...

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