Partes de una carta informal

The following chart about the 5 main parts of a letter in Spanish is for teachers helping their students or parents that suddenly need to remember the parts of a letter so they can help their kids do their homework… or with an upcoming test. Much like was our...

How to type Spanish letters and accents on your keyboard

¿Dónde está el ñandú? Ever wondered how you could type that on a normal English keyboard? How do you make the inverted question mark (¿) without having to turn your screen upside down? Those special letters with the accents don’t appear anywhere, do they? And how...

Tildes on Capital Letters in Spanish

Tildes on Capital Letters in Spanish A number of people have told me that in Spanish you don’t put the tilde (accent mark) above a letter that is written as a capital letter. THIS IS INCORRECT. According to the Real Academia Española (RAE), you MUST put the tilde...

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