Celebre con responsabilidad

Vocabulary – Vocabulario Celebrar (verb) = To celebrate Con (preposition) = with Responsabilidad (noun – fem) = Responsibility   Imperativo – Imperative Notice how the verb “celebre” ends in an E even though celebrar is an –AR verb. That is...

En el país de los ciegos, el tuerto es rey

En el país de los ciegos, el tuerto es rey. Significado: Se usa esta frase cuando alguien sin visión en la vida designa a personas que son incompetentes o inexpertos para dirigir algo. También se puede usar cuando alguien que es más hábil que el resto toma ventaja de...

Partes del Cuerpo – Vocabulario

More Spanish Vocabulary and Games If you would like a more detailed list of the parts of the body in Spanish, then check out our El Cuerpo Humano page (which is entirely in Spanish). There you will find an explanation about each part in Spanish as well as more...

The difference between Tú and Tu

  NEW: The difference between Tú and Tu in Spanish. This is a common mistake in Spanish and it pays to learn when to write Tú and Tu at the right time. Check out the notes we made about them and also the game we have there to practice this...

New Spanish Games: Hotels, Sport and Transport

Yes, we have been getting back into creating new material again to help you learn Spanish. This time we have 4 new games and a new vocabulary topic. Juegos Nuevos – New Games Los Hoteles – Hotels La Sala de Estar – The Living Room Los Deportes...

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