Clasificación de los Sustantivos

The following chart is aimed towards children that are native Spanish speakers who need to learn the classification of nouns at school. In Chile this classification of nouns in Spanish is taught in primero básico and segundo básico (1st and 2nd grade). Spanish Nouns...

¿El Internet or La Internet?

  According to the RAE (Real Academia Española)… Internet is a feminine noun HOWEVER it normally appears without the article LA. Also the first letter of the word is a capital letter. No tengo acceso a Internet (- No “a la” internet) Uso...

Veo elefantes azules – Spanish Joke

Paciente: Doctor, veo elefantes azules. Doctor: ¿No ha visto a un psiquiatra? Paciente: No, sólo veo elefantes azules. Grammar – Gramática Remember that in Spanish the adjective (describing word) goes after the noun (the thing it describes) Casa pequeña = Small...

Dad, Pope or Potato – Papa Papá

Dad, Pope or Potato – Papa Papá in Spanish La palabra papa tiene distintos significados. Con tilde, papá es una forma más cercana de llamar a nuestro padre. Sin tilde papa es un tubérculo de una planta, que sirve de alimento. También se conoce como patata en algunos...

Secreto a voces

Secreto a voces Meaning in English This Spanish expression refers to a situation that everyone knows about, but nobody has made public or speaks about openly. Think of this situation… Everyone in the office knows that the boss is having an affaire with the accountant...

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